The spine is made up of a network of structures, vertebrae, discs, ligaments, muscles and nerves. The lumbar spine withstands a great amount of strain during movement. A lumbar spine injury may take the form of a muscle strain; a disc injury or a lumbar sprain may occur in which the ligaments are torn and the joint is injured. A lumbar spine injury leads to low back pain and loss of function.
Common Symptoms of a Lumbar Sprain or Strain
- Pain in the lower back and upper buttocks or legs.
- Low back muscle spasm.
- Pain with activities and generally goes away with rest.
Factors that Contribute to Lumbar Spine Injuries
- Sudden forceful movement.
- Lifting a heavy object improperly.
- Twisting the back.
- A ruptured disc.
- Lack of conditioning. This can cause the back to ‘give out’ during physical exercise or work activities.
- Obesity. Excess weight leads to poor posture which puts strain on the muscles, causing injury.